Stuff 4 Church Drama Sketches by Nancy Bond Header for Stuff 4 Church
A Brief Intro to Nancy Bond A Brief Intro to Nancy Bond
Photo of Nancy Bond.

Who is Nancy Bond?
Through writing, creating and running her own business, Nancy reveals her lifelong zeal for dramatic arts and how drama sketches draw us together. Learning and discovering throughout childhood, she says,

"Being raised in Decatur, GA was a remarkable experience. It wasn't necessarily the place, but because I was inspired by my extraordinary family, caring leaders, talented friends, and a steadfast faith in God."

Nancy found a love for both creating and acting out stories around age five. Being encouraged by teachers and church leaders, she wrote and produced numerous drama sketches throughout elementary school, high school, and college.

During college, Nancy married Brent Bond, whom she met at their Atlanta church. They were blessed to build a family by raising two sons who are now grown and finding their own paths.

Photo of Nancy Bond.

Through writing, creating and running her own business, Nancy reveals her lifelong zeal for dramatic arts and how drama sketches draw us together. Learning and discovering throughout childhood, she says, "Being raised in Decatur, GA was a remarkable experience. I was inspired by my extraordinary family, caring leaders, talented friends, and a steadfast faith."

Nancy found a love for both creating and acting out stories around age five. Being encouraged by teachers and church leaders, she wrote and produced numerous drama sketches throughout elementary school, high school, and college.

During college, Nancy married Brent Bond, whom she met at their Atlanta church. They were blessed to build a family by raising two sons who are now grown and finding their own paths.

How did Nancy start writing Mystery Scripts?
After moving to various places in Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia, Nancy's family settled in Galloway, Ohio, to start a new church. There, her drama talents flourished in writing and producing plays. She began selling short sketches as well as full-length Christmas and Easter productions.

Nancy’s enthusiasm for drama led to requests for her to help and eventually lead the annual creative ministries conference for churches in Ohio. She also taught workshops at the Kentucky Creative Ministries Conferences.

It was during conference planning that Nancy met Rick Shoemaker, a pastor who wrote mystery plays. Nancy saw the potential for churches and other nonprofit groups to use these captivating scripts to gather the community for a memorable event full of laughter and camaraderie. She started selling Rick's plays as well as writing original mysteries with engaging themes. These mystery dinners have been a hit with a variety of ages and groups. Numerous organizations return yearly to purchase new scripts.

Nancy and others laughing in play.
What other interests does Nancy have?
Nancy is a dynamic individual with a diverse range of interests. Not only is she an experienced math teacher, but she’s also a passionate photographer, particularly drawn to capturing the beauty of nature and animals. Nancy’s been deeply involved in church activities as well, including choir, handbells, drums, planning churchwide events, and teaching Sunday School and Children's Church.

For many years, Nancy and Brent enjoyed living in other states, but they’re happy to be back in Georgia. It’s the ideal place for Nancy to continue writing new scripts while also finding new ways to use her creative talents. In addition to her site, Nancy has launched a new website: to share stories and photographs that bring smiles.

Nancy acting in play Missing Greenbacks.

3 Frequently Asked Questions for Nancy Bond:

Why are you so
interested in Bluebirds?

Why is your business
called "Stuff 4 Church?"

Why are the verses
Psalm 1:1-3 your tag line?

  In 2nd grade, my teacher assigned the class a choice: either write five reports or build a birdhouse. My dad helped me build an incredible bluebird house from part of a hollowed pine tree.
  At home, we put up the birdhouse in our backyard. For years, my entire family was delighted to watch bluebirds raise their little chicks. As life continued, whenever I faced challenges, God often sent a bluebird my way to remind me of His endless love.
  Now, bluebirds frequent my yard to eat dried worms. Plus each spring, couples return to nest where new hatchlings thrive. They are beautiful and spread immense joy.

  I started my business in 2003 because the internet opened a whole new world of possibilities. Out of gratitude for support we received while starting a new church, I hoped to help other churches.
  I launched a website where churches could donate items like hymnals, choir robes, pews, and organs to one another. My site included links to various Christian websites and featured a range of products that I created. One of my most popular offerings was curriculum for Children's Church, which I sold in a printable format. With such a diverse selection, "Stuff 4 Church" turned out to be the perfect fit.

How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked ... his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Ps 1:1-3

Living like a tree by the waters is a tremendous image. Trees offer shade, homes, food, shelter, and wondrous beauty. Parts of the world pull us in the wrong direction. By choosing to follow God, we will not be trouble free, but we will be filled with a deep-seated peace and contentment.

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Adorable Baby Bluebird Adorable Baby Bluebird