Fun, Clean-Cut Mystery Scripts Christmas Scripts for Youth and Adults Nancy Bond's Christian Beliefs Call or Email Nancy Bond Discovering God on Route 66 Children's Lessons


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Bible Promise from Psalms

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Letter from Nancy
Seasonal Lessons

What I Believe


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Bible Promise from Psalms

Free Lesson

Lesson FAQ's

Lesson Comments
Letter from Nancy
Seasonal Lessons

What I Believe


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Discovering God on Route 66 This curriculum is geared toward children in the first through the fifth grades.  Each lesson contains at least four different methods of presenting the key point(s).  Methods can include Bible reading, stories, drama, games, crafts, puppets, FUNSHEETS (can be used as Take Home review), music, special guests, etc.  There is enough material in each lesson to last at least one hour.  Please read A Letter from the Author.  For a more detailed description of this curriculum go to details and FAQ's.

Take a look at the following descriptions for each lesson.  Please send an email to Nancy at with a request for the lessons you are interested in purchasing.  Each individual lesson costs $7.  Or, save money and buy a consecutive 13-week group for only $75.

(Lessons are emailed after payment is made on PayPal, by phone, or mailed check.)


Lesson Title Description
#14 Nothing Is
with God

Children discover several of God’s promises and His miracles as they study Luke.  Children attempt to do some tasks that appear to be impossible, but discover they are possible just as all things are possible with God.  Luke 1:37  Younger and Older FUNSHEETs.

#15 Build Your
House on
the Rock

Children learn about building their spiritual houses on the Rock of Christ and not on sand. They play a fun team game.  Luke 6:46-49

#16 The
Lost Sheep

Don’t we all want to be wanted and to be “found”?  Children learn the parables of the lost coin, and the lost sheep through a fun experience!  They learn to celebrate like the angels do when someone comes to know Christ!

#17 Prayer
(Part 1)

Children learn about the various parts to “The Lord’s Prayer”.  Guests come to demonstrate the prayers of the “bragger” and the “sinner”.  A beautiful prayer book is the craft for this lesson.

#18 Prayer
(Part 2)

Children find out when and where we should pray.  The game included is really fun yet one of the quiet ones to play as the kids must whisper. 

#19 Forgive

Children learn how God does not want us to take revenge.  Children enjoy acting out a story as the teacher reads it.  Then they participate in an exciting balloon relay. 
Key Verses: Luke 17:3 & 4

#20 John
(& Peter)

This is the first lesson in the study from the book of John.  Children learn about the author of the book – Jesus’ disciple John.  They make finger puppets to retell the story of Peter’s telling Jesus he did love Him.

#21 Light

Key Verses:  John 8:12; John 1:6, 7, & 15.  As children try to discern what modern day symbols mean, they discover the symbolic meaning of Jesus being the “Light of the World”.

#22 Jesus Is the
Resurrection &
the Life (Lazarus)

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life!  Children discover how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and how we can have assurance of being raised to heaven one day.  They play a game to help learn the Bible verse - John 11:25

#23 Trinity

This lesson is GREAT!!  It uses physical examples to explain the trinity including an optional chat with a puppet visitor.  Kids make bracelets as reminders.  A few pictures.

#24 The Way,
The Truth
and The Life

John 14:6 – Kids play an awesome board game that they’ll never forget!!  You’ll love the expressions on their faces when they discover that it’s not the ones with the most money that win! (Shhhhh! Don’t tell.)  Arrow Graphics for printing.

#25 Praising

This lesson isn’t just for Palm Sunday!  We should praise God all the time.  Children make “Praise Planes”!  They’re fun to fly and look good too.  John 12

#26 He is

This lesson from the book of John gives children hope and understanding of what it means to believe in Christ!  They make a great craft and then have the option of making one for a friend or relative.


Lesson Title Description
#27 The Life of Jesus -
A Review of the Gospels

Children learn about the "Good News" of Jesus Christ.  They review major events in Jesus' life by looking into the Bible and playing a fun game.  Key Verses:  John 3:16, 17

#28 Jesus
into Heaven

This is the first lesson in the study of Acts.  Children discover how before Jesus went up to heaven that He told the disciples to witness.  They learn about what heaven will be like and make a fantastic witnessing craft/game.  Acts 1:3-5, 8-11

#29 Pentecost / Shavuot -
God Speaks

Children interact to learn the story of Pentecost and how God gave an important message.  They discover that God still speaks to us today through the Bible, the church, other Christians, and circumstances.  Includes a fun reinforcement game.  Acts 2:1-41

#30 The
Holy Spirit

Children learn of the roles the Holy Spirit has in every Christian's life.  The main 4 being:  1) Leads/Guides;  2) Convicts of Sin; 3) Draws us closer to God; 4) Gives us peace/comfort.

#31 The Apostles
Face Persecution

What message could be so important that the apostles are willing to risk being jailed, beaten, and even killed?!  Children are actively involved in discovering this message.  They also play two games to reinforce the lesson and Acts 4:12 (Salvation is found in. . . ). 

#32 Stephen

Just as Stephen prayed for Saul's forgiveness, we must do the same!  What a powerful message for all to learn.  Children study verses from Acts 6 - 8:1 to find out how Stephen looked to God for strength.  They play a game to remind them to forgive.

#33 Saul - Sees
the Light

What a changed life!  First, through a game, children discover what it means to be a Pharisee.  Then, children learn about Saul's awesome encounter with God on his way to Damascus. Acts 9

#34 Everyone --
Every Nation

Through the study of Peter's vision, children discover that God desires for all people from all different nations to have a personal relationship with Him.  Missions are emphasized through a game & a special guest or a missionary story.

#35 Paul & Silas
(Part 1)

Children learn about being missionaries like Paul and Silas were.  Most of the time is spent making puppets to use the following week in their Puppet Presentation.  Acts 16

#36 Paul & Silas
(Part 2)

Children teach each other by using puppets to tell about how Paul and Silas spread the good news of Jesus!  They'll really enjoy being involved in teaching and being puppeteers. Acts 16

#37 God Uses
All Ages

Children have a great time acting out the Bible story from Acts 23.  Then they play a game to help them remember that God is our refuge and strength. (Psalm 46:1)

#38 Roman's Road
to Salvation!

Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, and 10:9 - This is the first lesson in studying the book of Romans written by Paul.  Children will enjoy a fun puppet show.  After reviewing the verses, they will make a fabulous craft to keep or to share.  2 FUNSHEET options

#39 Don't Be

Romans 2:6 (NIV) - God will give to each person according to what he has done.  Children study Romans 2:6-10.  They learn to think of others and work as a team!  There are 3 fun games.

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